Product Reviews

I will be posting some product reviews in the next few days, but I wanted to preemptively answer some questions. These are products that we use in our normal agronomic plan. Some may be products that we are testing, but most are in our normal rotation. Also, I am not receiving compensation of any kind for these reviews. There are no sponsorship agreements at this time. If that was to ever happen, I will post a disclaimer and promise that they will be unbiased. If I did not believe in the products and methods that I use, I would do something different.


I just feel that there is no reason to reinvent the wheel when it comes to trying products. As with anything, your mileage will vary. These work for us. They may not fit into your program or budget. I also believe that it is the combination of products and practices that makes a program. One single application of any one product will not make your property more sustainable or aesthetically pleasing.


I hope you enjoy getting to know some of the products that we use. I will post plenty of pictures to show you results as well!